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Uproar Recordings on Discogs

TSH82 on Discogs

TSH82 on Bandcamp

TSH82 on Spotify

TSH82 on YouTube

TSH82 on Soundcloud

TSH82 on Amazon Music

TSH82 on Apple Music

TSH82 on Deezer

Dobsonfly on Discogs

Dobsonfly - Norfolk band signed to Uproar

Luke Chow Music - former Dobsonfly frontman on Facebook

Luke on Soundcloud

Hungry Ghosts on Discogs

Hungry Ghosts - Luke's current band on Facebook

Hungry Ghosts - Luke's current band on Bandcamp

Hungry Ghosts - Luke's current band on Wikipedia

Kestrels and Kites - Another Luke Chow outfit on Bandcamp

Kestrels and Kites website

Kestrels and Kites on Discogs

Stereo Son - former Dobsonfly guitarist Hugo Flower's current band

Stereo Son on Soundcloud

Hannah on Spotify

Link to Uproar Recordings on Discogs

Link to TSH82 on Bandcamp

Link to TSH82 on Spotify

Link to TSH82 on YouTube

Link to TSH82 on Soundcloud

Link to TSH82 on Amazon Music

Link to TSH82 on Apple Music

Link to TSH82 on Deezer

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Site by Guy Bartle Creative Media Services

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